Yawanawa Headband for women and men
A one of a kind Yawanawa headband, handmade by women from different villages of the Yawanawa tribe in the Amazon Rainforest.
Each headband requires many days of concentration and devotion. These headbands will protect you, bring good energies, and connect you to The Divine, to The Spirit and The Forest.
Each headband is in a single copy and is absolutely unique. Cannot be repeated.
The Yawanawa community is full of art, not only the handicrafts, but the art of singing, the art of storytelling, and dancing. There are Yawanawa dances and songs full of the great power. It is so important that people are aware of this. It is ancient knowledge, and it needs to be passed on.
"Art is very important to our people because it is linked to our spirituality. Like the tepi, kuripe, the bracelets, the spears, everything is linked to spirituality, everything is linked to our culture, our tradition." - Hushahu
The Yawanawá are a group belonging to the Pano linguistic family who today occupies the Gregório River Indigenous Land. The name ‘Yawanawá’ appears in historical sources written in various ways: Yawavo or Yauavo, Jawanaua, Yawanaua or Iawanawa.