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Rumé Corda Rapé - Into The Now New

Rumé Corda Rapé - Into The Now New


A very pure, strong and beautiful Rapé full of healing force. Re-aligning the body and spirit. Harmonious, purifying, and sharp. Grounding and can bring moments of silence. This Rapé is made by the son of Hushahu, Yama Rumé, which means Rapé. Yama Rumè carries the force of the rapé truly in his being. Like the Yawanawa tradition teaches, he stays to the traditional recipe of native Tobacco and Tsunu ashes. Tsunu ashes give a lot of strength, opening and clarity.

The Yawanawa tribe lives along the Gregoria river in the Amazons of Acre, Brazil. Shamanism is a very important part of their culture, honoring the medicine plants and those who know how to work with them deeply. They say that Rapé is their most important medicine. Rapé gives them protection, enables them to enforce their prayers, and they say that Rapé is the biggest healer. When somebody is sick, the shaman would receive a Rapé and the Rapé would enable the shaman to heal the person.

This product is an incense and not meant for ingestion. We don't claim that this product has any healing properties.

Amount: 14 grams.

If you resonate with this one and want to reserve it, you are welcome to contact us directly on Whatsapp/Telegram or place your order online >>

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